MICROSOFT WORD 2007 TUTORIAL - Welcome to our blog and we hope you will enjoy it very much. Guys, what are you looking for is here. You can also download it below. But I think it will be better if you read the review of MICROSOFT WORD 2007 TUTORIAL

This is the Quick Access Toolbar and how to know more about MICROSOFT WORD 2007 . With this tool bar one can set it up to fit his/her needs. To do so just click the arrow at the end of this bar and select which items best suit your needs. They will be placed in the order they are selected. Again to customize this Quick Access Toolbar go to the office button and select Word Options. Click customize on the left and you can search for any buttons that suit your needs. A Shortcut to customize this bar is to right click in the Tabs bar and select Customize Quick Access Toolbar. 3. This is the Tabs Bar . Tabs are similar to the menu system of MW2003 instead of having dropdown menus MW2007 created the Tab and Ribbon system. When you select a tab it will display the Ribbon associated with that tab. Here everything has been changed into button form.

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